Originally from Nagasaki, Japan, but now residing in Tokyo, Risa Kumon was first drawn to R&B after watching "Sister Act 2' as a child. Risa found early inspiration in Lauryn Hill, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, as well as the Jazz music that her father would play.
Having also performed at some of Japan's largest music festivals and charted multiple times in her career so far, there is no telling how fast Risa will continue to rise.
Japanese R&B/Soul artist Risa Kumon delivers a soulful, celestial sound on her captivating new track 'FREE. Risa brings us her own take, fusing classic Jazz sensibilities with R&B beats and slow-burning, grooving bass, 'FREE is an unmissable offering. Boasting production from Rolandis "Roro" Ramsey, a mix from Grammy winning Engineer Irko (Kanye West, Jay-Z, Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull, Rick Ross) and master from the legendary Herb Powers Jr. (Lauryn Hill, TLC, Nelly, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, 200+ #1 albums & singles), Risa Kumon is an artist that executes her music to an exceptional standard.
Risa's sun-soaked vocals are soothing and unfiltered as she delivers lyrics that explore a sense of freedom from negativity- and encourages those listening to do the same. The song's message has always resonated deeply with Risa, and now she brings the moving lyricism to a new age and audience.
The video perfectly encapsulates a powerful message, showing the artist moving through nature with an almost contagious, calming demeanor. Risa believes in the circle of life and letting go of the things that do not serve us, something that she shows through visual symbolism. With breathtaking, tranquil shots in nature and serene landscapes, Risa urges the listener to seek the beauty in everything and plant the seeds for a fruitful future. Ultimately, Risa preaches one thing: freedom.
Reviewed by Ace Sway