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“I SWEAR I’M REALLY OK” by Alex Beaumont

Alex Beaumont is back sixth single of under her profile “I swear I’m Really Ok” is finally out. Alex has been rising up in the ranks of punk music and are showing absolutely no signs of slowing down. This summer hit from the outstanding talent.

In today’s day and age you either you become ok, or really ok, it’s a thing that is known amongst many. “I swear I’m Really Ok” is catchy but what else would you expect from Alex Beaumont , it has a rhythmic melody, much needed piano and a guitar dual that you didn’t know you needed in your life.

Alex Beaumont never disappoints when it comes to releasing singles, “I swear I’m Really Ok” is more proof of that. The song is quite engaging and it touches on real things about being bothered or maybe them just wanting how to live their lives. It’s up to you and not up to anyone else to decide if what someone does is the correct or incorrect lifestyle. Just be really ok and keep bumping to this track.

The UK gem brings you a track that is enjoyable for everyone, don’t miss out on Alex Beaumont and her latest single “I swear I’m Really Ok”.

Reviewed by Ace Sway

this article was created via Musosoup #Sustainablecurator



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